In honor of Valentine's Day, a few thoughts about cunnilingus (and oral sex generally).
So first of all, should women want men who like cunnilingus (heterosexual women, that is; the same analysis should apply to lesbians but for convenience I'll use heterosexual terminology)? The answer, I think, is no. The ideal man should dislike cunnilingus, but not hate it. The logic is that you want a way for a man to demonstrate that he likes you. As is familiar in game theory, usually this will require that he incur some cost in order to make you happy. If he likes cunnilingus, then his willingness to perform it won't tell you anything about how he feels about you.
If, on the other hand, he dislikes cunnilingus, but performs it anyway, that's a good sign that he cares about you. If he really hates it, he simply won't perform it at all, in which case you get neither the pleasure nor the credible signal. Now, as for pleasure, I actually think it's probably increased when the act isn't just a mutually beneficial transaction, but rather a gift from one partner to the other. Of course, if you take into account
his utility, then it might not be worth it for him to dislike cunnilingus, so it's a balancing act. Thinking selfishly, though, a woman should prefer a man who dislikes it.
Now why do women like cunnilingus in the first place? And why do men like fellatio? My theory is that these activities are good ways for partners to detect infidelity, or at least they were in the ancestral, pre-shower environment. Partners who regularly gave each other oral sex were partners who could be fairly sure they were monogamous. They got in close, sniffed around, and could detect any evidence of funny business. This would bind couples more closely together and encourage investment in common resources like children.
So, if you're lucky, you have a boyfriend who is unwilling to perform cunnilingus but who can be persuaded to do so every once in a while. On the other hand, if he already bought you dinner tonight, then maybe don't push it.