Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Saving the Golden Mosque

The bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, Iraq was both a cause and a potent symbol of spiraling violence in Iraq. Today, the mosque has still not been repaired. It remains a wreckage.

The obvious solution, which I imagine I'm not the first to suggest, is for Goldman Sachs to sponsor the reconstruction of the mosque in exchange for endorsement rights. Then the mosque can be known as the Goldman Mosque, instead of the Golden Mosque. It sounds so close to the original name that it trips right off the tongue. Everyone wins.

Now, I recognize that Iraqi Muslims might not be happy with the renaming of their mosque. Still, it's hard to deny that they would benefit from its reconstruction. Taking a page from Invesco Field at Mile High, a compromise suggests itself: The Golden Dome at Goldman Mosque. I can't see any way that this plan could go wrong.


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