Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Fried Rice Illustrated

Enver Hoxha says it's fried rice time! Enver Hoxha says it's fried rice time!

First let's gather our ingredients.

Now we heat up some oil in a large pan.

Time to fry the onions! [Turns out I can't upload a video of the frying onions. Trust me, the sound and smell were intoxicating.]

Look how nice and brown they are!

Time to add the peppers!

When those have cooked a bit, we add the rice.

Time for the eggs.

Hollow out a little home for them.

In they go.

Don't forget the garlic.


This is also when I added the chili paste. The rice is looking pinker now.

Cheese is optional.

The final result was disappointing, and I had to add Cholula to make it tasty.

Every good boy deserves a treat for making a home-cooked meal.

But the cider was not actually very good.


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