So You Can Laugh if you Want To
Today's Dinosaur Comic is strangely apt. I started to listen to "Philosophy" by Ben Folds and suddenly I was back in college, and I could taste vodka. It's not a particularized memory as far as I can tell (maybe I've just forgotten all the other details), but it really is remarkable how vividly the memory comes back when the song starts playing. Anyway my somewhat self-destructive tendency to listen to a song or CD over and over until I don't like it anymore has the effect of realizing T-Rex's goal. If I want to be back in Chicago in the springtime, baking bread and then walking north through the park where the parakeets live, all I have to do is listen to No Depression by Uncle Tupelo. Listening to Alan's music makes me nauseated, but I don't think that's because I was ill when I first listened to it, I think it's just the direct effect of the music.
Kidding, kidding.
Kidding, kidding.