Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Friday, August 12, 2005

James the Puritan Hedonist

So here's the thing. I'm basically hedonistic, meaning that I take whatever actions I think will maximize my happiness. I actually think everyone is purely hedonistic in this sense, if you define happiness correctly. Anyway, the strange part is that I have a puritanical streak that often causes problems. For instance, in college I wouldn't drink alcohol for a while, and then periodically I renounced it. Finally I realized I'm (probably) not an alcoholic, and now I drink it every once in a while. I think my approach to alcohol is fairly healthy.

Television is another story. I watch too much of it. Now that I have digital cable and DVR, I can and do watch up to 4 episodes of Law & Order a day (in practice it's usually fewer because I've seen some of the episodes). This is a complete waste of time, and it's unhealthy. Having recognized that, though, I also acknowledge that it's very hard for me to resist. I think I'm going to have to renounce television.

The problem is that television, like drinking, is a social activity. In our culture it can be difficult to hang out with people and have fun without drinking, not because of the direct effect of the alcohol, but because of the awkwardness of dealing with a non-drinker (and the annoyance of dealing with drunk people when you're sober). Television is the same way; it gives us things to talk about and experiences to share. As depressing as it might seem, television now defines much of our culture and our shared perceptions about the world.

So giving it up is going to suck. I might end up having to take an alcohol-like approach: enjoy TV occasionally without letting it have an unhealthy influence on my life. Unfortunately I think the draw of TV is way stronger than the appeal of alcohol, and a Puritan approach might be the only way.


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