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I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Economic Heterodoxy

There's been a lot of discussion about heterodox economics, set off by an article in The Nation. There are reactions from Rodrik, Cowen, and an assortment of people (including Krugman) at the TPM Book Club (a scurrilous rival of the Society). I haven't read all of the posts, so I won't say too much now, but I'm inclined to agree with Krugman that neoclassical economics is a big tent that market skeptics will find commodious. I should also say that I've worked with heterodox economists before, but I was too young and immature to gain much by it. Anyway, heterodox economics is what Tarun's dad does for a living, so at the very least it paid the bills and brought Tarun to the US.


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