Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Churchill Was A Terrorist Sympathizer

Nevertheless, this short-lived legislature left behind it a monument. It passed a Habeus Corpus Act which confirmed and strengthened the freedom of the individual against arbitrary arrest by the executive Government. No Englishman, however great or however humble, could be imprisoned for more than a few days without grounds being shown against him in open court, according to the settled law of the land. Wherever the English language is spoken in any part of the world, wherever the authority of the British Imperial Crown or of the Government of the United States prevails, all law-abiding men breathe freely. The descent into despotism which has engulfed so many leading nations in the present age has made the virtue of this enactment, sprung from English political genius, apparent even to the most thoughtless, the most ignorant, the most base.

-Winston Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples


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