Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

All the time people make decisions, and divide people into 2 groups: those who are good enough and those who aren't. Having spent a lot of time in the latter camp, I have low expectations for my law firm interviews. In a sense, though, I don't care. It's a rational process and I'll get what I deserve. What bothers me are arbitrary or unfair judgments, particularly ones based on factors beyond our control. Of course, everyone suffers from this problem, but it's not random. Some suffer far more than others.

Underneath all of this is the rage that comes from spending too much time among the unwanted, the fury of watching the ambitious and the beautiful snatch away the world's wealth. I wish I had no taste, I wish I had no eyes to see the good things beyond my reach.

I think there is something to be done, but I'm not the one to do it. Poverty is a major cause of unfairness, but I suspect the really difficult pockets will be things like body image, religious intolerance, and self-segregation. I have no idea how to design a society to minimize those problems, much less how to get there from the status quo. I'll play my role, passively going on from mediocrity to mediocrity, failure to failure, occasionally bleating out that life is unfair.


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