Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Water Arbitrage

So today I decided to urinate in the law school, rather than at home, to save a little water. Imagine my chagrin, then, when I realized the law school urinals use one gallon per flush. That's not much less than a standard toilet, although it is still more efficient I suppose. Still, I think it could be much more efficient - a whole gallon! Ideally you would just have laser beams destroying the urine, thus using no water per flush.


Blogger Helen said...

i would so buy a laser urinal, even given that i am not physically equipped to use it properly.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, you could just piss in the street.

9:52 PM  

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