Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Sunday, December 10, 2006


So look, terminological debates are usually pointless. I gave my reasons for my definition of libertarian, but I'm not married to it. To some extent there's not a word for what people want to say about themselves, and libertarian has come to mean something pretty close.

I am more concerned that people seem to associate libertarianism with economic sophistication. Dave seems to be using the term in that way. The problem is that the term is too inclusive for this purpose. You end up attributing economic acumen to the extremists, or at least seeming to. You also stretch "libertarian" to include redistribution, Keynesianism, regulation, etc., but again, that discussion is pointless.

A final point: there is now a big struggle within the Democratic Party over its economic policy. Nothing you could do within the Libertarian Party could matter a tenth as much. Those of you who call yourselves libertarian because you like markets and don't hate gays, consider working within the better major party for now. Robert Rubin needs you.

p.s. if you actually think the Libertarian Party is better than the Democrats on the merits then you're crazy


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