Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Quick Conspiracy Theory

I'm too lazy to look it up, and anyway it's too good to ruin with the facts, but I thought of a cool conspiracy theory the other day.

It was something of a mystery that George Bush claimed to have read The Stranger during his vacation this summer. Until, that is, we recall that The Stranger was written by Albert Camus, a well-known pied noir (French Algerian). Who else was a French colonialist? Senator George Allen's mother. This is relevant because George Allen called a young man a "macaca," which is a French colonial slur used against dark-skinned people (the young man was an American of Indian descent). Bush read The Stranger (if he read The Stranger) to bring this connection to mind (or just to keep pieds noir in the news), which in turn makes George Allen look like a racist and not merely an idiot. This is because George Bush, for whatever reason, wants to destroy Allen's presidential ambitions (as some kind of payment to McCain?). Anyway, it wasn't really a conspiracy theory until I learned that George Allen is in some sense Jewish. That was the final essential ingredient, you might say, a crucial part of every good conspiracy theory.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the more obvious connection that Jon Stewart pointed out, that The Stranger is "a classic novel about a Westerner who kills an Arab for no good reason and dies with no remorse."

7:54 PM  
Blogger Grobstein said...

That was the essential ingredient to my own conspiracy theory, as well, but I haven't worked out the other details yet.

8:41 PM  

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