Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Friday, April 28, 2006

More Fun with Idiots

So, earlier I noted that the calculator over at Make Work Pay (which calculates how long it would take a CEO to earn your salary) is a little less than trustworthy. I tried again, this time entering 11.3 million, which they claim is the average annual CEO compensation. It turns out it takes the average CEO 505.37 days to earn the average annual compensation. So not only do CEOs earn more, they get longer years! The unfairness is palpable.

Also, these guys have been placing ads on liberal blogs, claiming that Comedy Central refuses to run their TV spots ("Too Controversial for the Daily Show?" they ask). That made me sympathetic to them, especially when I saw one of their spots. They're pretty well done! Then it hit me: I saw their damn spot while watching the Daily Show. They kept running the internet ads for a while after that, though. I guess it's effective to claim that you're being shut out by the media, even when it's not true.

I can't really comment on the merit of their position, since I haven't bothered to read about it. Certainly their presentation makes me think that they are a bunch of clowns.


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