Wealth Transfers and Citi Bike
One aspect of today's economy is that startups can attract billions of dollars while losing large amounts of money year after year. The result is a kind of wealth transfer from investors to consumers, as companies like Uber subsidize cheap taxi service by running billion-dollar losses quarter after quarter. It's not all fun and games, of course—there has been a rash of taxi driver suicides as Uber destroys their ability to make a living. But for consumers, it's a hell of a ride.
Anyway I'm a little worried Citi Bike might be engaged in the same kind of game. There is a program called "Citi Bike Angels," which rewards users for picking up bikes at stations that have too many bicycles and dropping them off at stations with too few. In a couple of months I've racked up nearly 100 points. That's earned me several free weeks of Citi Bike membership as well as a few free day passes.
But that's peanuts. When I hit 250 points annually, I get a free "Citi Bike Angels" pin. And at 500 points I get a coveted white Citi Bike key (the normal ones are blue). They're giving this stuff away like candy! I'm going to have a pin before long (unfortunately the Citi Bike year runs from April 1 to March 31, so my annual points will reset before I get a pin based on my current points). And a white key can't be far behind.
I mean, I'll take it. I just hope the investors who are subsidizing this bounty know what they're doing.
Are you taking trips with the express intent of racking up angel points? Or just getting them incidentally for trips you would take anyway?
Oh I am absolutely taking trips with the goal of racking up points. Often when I come home from work, the Citi Bike station by my subway stop is completely full of bikes. I'll check the map, find a station with few or no bikes, and walk one over there. Easy 2 points. 125 trips like that, and boom, Bike Angel pin. I almost feel bad, but we live in a cutthroat capitalist society and I'm just playing by the rules of the game.
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