Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Krugmanistan: Your Source for Illegitimate Attacks on Obama

I see that a commenter on Krugman's blog has picked up on the fact that he taught at the University of Chicago Law School - obviously, Obama is a market fundamentalist. I posted a reply, but it hasn't been approved yet (will it ever?).

All this crap strikes me as a sign of desperation. Casting aspersions on someone for teaching at the U of C law school is basically the definition of scraping the bottom of the barrel. Since that's what Krugman seems to be in the mood for (the comment wasn't his, but his trial lawyer stuff is almost as bad), I thought I'd go ahead and provide a central clearing house for grossly unfair attacks on the Senator. You can thank me later, Krugman.

Attacks You've Already Heard

1. Obama lived in Indonesia for some years. I bet he's a Muslim! (check out the comments section - awesome)

2. Did you know that his middle name is Hussein? See #1.

3. Did you know that he likes to wear a suit with no tie? So does Ahmadinejad. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? See #'s 1 and 2.

4. "Obama" sounds an awful lot like "Osama." That's quite a coincidence. See #'s 1-3.

5. Obama contrasted his own public service with another career alternative: being a trial lawyer. It's a bogus comparison, because everyone knows that trial lawyers are public servants.

6. Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School. What an asshole.

Attacks You Haven't Yet Heard, That Are Nevertheless Awesome

1. Obama lives in Chicago. Chicago is extremely segregated. Obama is most likely a segregationist at heart.

2. Obama is a known Bears fan:

"Bear" is also the term for a large, hairy homosexual.

3. Obama economic adviser Austen Goolsbee is on the record saying that latkes are better than hamantashen (I'm not joking - I would never joke about something so deadly serious). Does Obama hate all Jews, or just Jews who like hamantashen?

4. Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. It's fair to say that he probably has a better understanding of the Constitution than most Americans. All the better to undermine it once he's in office.


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