Pur Autre Vie

I'm not wrong, I'm just an asshole

Thursday, August 10, 2006

... and Hackers

I should mention, as I intended to in the last post, that Stephenson favors technological Morlocks over other sorts. This strikes me as understandable but not justifiable. Technology drives much of human progress, but it does not drive it all, and anyway we wouldn't understand this if it weren't for economics. Stephenson lives in a world wrought by political, economic, and legal giants, but he gives them only a passing nod in his works (that I've read). In Stephenson's terminology, the founding fathers were incredible hackers, implementing a new form of government on the philosophical and political theories of a few half-crazy Morlocks. Likewise Keynes and FDR and Earl Warren. A little respect, please.


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